As the rain drops race down the window
Of my room, and I stare out into dusk
I wonder, are we any different?
Are we all just endless tiny droplets?
Released from the heavens,
Doomed to fall through our life,
With nary a whimper?
I see the drops flying and pattering
Onto my thick glass window,
As if they were people,
Smacking at the invisible, deathly window.
But I look at the wind, the rainy gradient,
And I smirk.
Cause man never was so controlled
Obeying orders as though a machine.
Man was to be unleashed, not herded
To be blossomed, not bound.
And never will man,
Ever endure the chains of obedience.
Man will be free, decreed a man.
And man will be free, so I declare
As long as he fights the wind in his ears.
And the sky will cherish the brilliant light
Of a man, a sun, when he fights.