This is the first blog post on this site.
It took me a lot to get here, especially because I wanted to have the flexibility of adding weird and interesting stuff here instead of just static HTML pages stacked together.
To that end, I first tried the emerging Svelte to help make the blog, but quickly realised I did not know much at all about how most of "npm" and "Node" world works. Adding custom functionality to a single button proved beyond challenging.
Next I tried the plain old Django, and here again I realised I needed to delve deep to make sense of what was happening.
Using ready-made templates crossed my mind several times, but I wanted to emerge from this endeavour with the complete understanding of what I created, how and why.
So, with that in my mind, I finally chose Next.js. Well, for now… :)
There is still a tonne of stuff I don't understand about Nextjs, but the progress is steady and I am very hopeful about this.
Anyway, that's it from me. I have absolutely no idea when the next post will be made, and there is no way (currently) for me to ping you when I do post. All I can ask is, do check back in once in a while!